Recent Publications


Campbell-Montalvo, Rebecca, Cooke, Hannah, Smith, Chrystal A. S.,  Hughes Miller, Michelle, Puccia, Ellen, Skvoretz, John, & Wao, Hesborn.  (2023). Que(e)rying How Professional STEM Societies’ Serve Queer and Trans Engineering and Science Undergraduates.Educational Studies.

Wao, Hesborn, Kersaint, Gladis, Smith, Chrystal A. S., Campbell-Montalvo, Rebecca, Puccia, Ellen, Martin, Skvoretz, John, Julie P., Lee, Reginald, & MacDonald George (2023). Examining How Social Networks Influence Women and Under-Represented Minority Students’ Pursuit of Engineering in University: When, Who and How? International Journal of STEM Education. 10:25.